We’re participating in trialling an index that assesses building environments for the risk of viral transmission with RESET
The team behind Symbiosy, our technology platform which turns offices into smart workspaces, is now partnering with the RESET Standard in piloting the use of air quality monitors to measure and communicate building optimisation against airborne viral infections.
The Index has expanded over the last couple of months
The RESET Index was initially developed to communicate the health and performance of real estate in real time. Over the past five months, it has been diversified to include the risk of viral transmission from aerosols, including Coronavirus. This has been made possible by painstakingly translating laboratory science into an operational standard for air quality metrics that can be tracked by sensors – evaluating virus survivability, immune system impact, dosage (exposure over time) and final infection rates.

Auditing in cycles
RESET differs from other real estate certification through it’s emphasis on building performance, rather than point-in-time assessment. To obtain RESET certification a building must pass three consecutive audit cycles, each of which span a calendar month. If more than 10% of air quality measurements fall outside of RESET thresholds, then the building fails an audit cycle, Fail three cycles, or months, in a row and the site loses its certification. Pass three in a row again, and the certification is reinstated.
Together for healthy and smart workspaces
All of RESET’s existing research will be supported by Symbiosy, a sub-brand of HB Reavis, who are contributing healthy building expertise and operational datasets to the pilot. The data has been aggregated from years of developing and operating healthy and innovative buildings across Europe.
With Symbiosy, we were also among the first real estate platforms that developed a disease prevention score, available to occupiers in real time long before COVID-19, demonstrating a clear focus on creating user-centric smart spaces which nurture wellbeing, productivity and, most importantly, health.
Our intent has been to expand the Symbiosy disease prevention score to include Covid-19 or Coronavirus in its’ aerosol form. Working with RESET will, among other things, help accelerate our understanding of utilising air quality data for operations and communication. It will also allow us to layer in other data we collect, including BMS and occupancy, in order to continue pushing the envelope on healthy buildings.

A safe office comeback advanced
We’re proud to be supporting organisations around the world in rebuilding trust and delivering safer, healthier workspaces for their employees in the times of gradual returning to the office. This has been made possible by our rapid response to COVID-19, where existing solutions were adapted to improve workplace cleanliness, reduce touch points and deliver indoor contact tracing. The collaboration with RESET is set to further expand upon our Symbiosy Safe & Healthy offer and take a lot of stress off managers’ backs when planning their teams return to the office.
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