Suretyship Provider’s consolidated annual financial statements for 2016
· 1 min. read
The Management Board of HB Reavis Finance PL 2 sp. z o.o. (“HBRF” or the “Issuer”) hereby announces publishing of the consolidated annual financial statements of HB Reavis Holding S.a.r.l. (the “Suretyship Provider”), for the financial year ending 31 December 2016 prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. The Suretyship Provider is the parent company of HBRF.
Legal basis:
-Terms and Conditions of Issuer’s the bond Series A, HBS0421, ISIN: PLHBRVS00011
Financial figures are available at this link:
HB Reavis Holding S.à r.l. Consolidated financial statement 2016