Oh, wow! It’s time to make a little extra room on the award shelf.🏆🙏
We couldn’t be more excited to share that our Worship Square, a fresh addition to the London skyline, has been recognised as the best decarbonisation project of the year at the @griclub.europe Awards 2024!
The jury seeks excellence in real estate, and we’re thrilled to see that our latest completed project fulfilled the strictest criteria regarding eliminating environmental impact. 💚
What makes Worship Square so unique?
🌍 It’s fully net-zero in both construction and operation.
💡 The building’s smart energy management helps conserve resources.
🏆 We designed it to meet the standards of the most demanding certifications.
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Oh, wow! It’s time to make a little extra room on the award shelf.🏆🙏
We couldn’t be more excited to share that our Worship Square, a fresh addition to the London skyline, has been recognised as the best decarbonisation project of the year at the GRI Club Europe Awards 2024!
The jury seeks excellence in real estate, and we’re thrilled to see that our latest completed project fulfilled the strictest criteria regarding eliminating environmental impact. 💚
What makes Worship Square so unique?
🌍 It’s fully net-zero in both construction and operation.
💡 The building’s smart energy management helps conserve resources.
🏆 We designed it to meet the standards of the most demanding certifications.
And much more! Wander around Worship Square and soak up its unique vibe through the link in the comments.
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Nincs több betölthető tartalom.
Nincs több betölthető tartalom.