Stories & News

Green up your office with Clip and win a plant!

Indoor plants have enjoyed a great comeback in recent years. What would be the most suitable species for your desktop?…

Double celebrations at Elizabeth House!

It was cause for double celebrations at the end of July as we launched the second phase of the ‘Past,…

A world of wellbeing for 1,200 BGK employees at our Varso Place

A wave of excitement came over our Polish office when a new deal with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) was closed….

It’s all about the point of view! The DSTRCT.Berlin view.

Have you been to one of our open days at DSTRCT.Berlin? No? Curious about how it’s going with our Berlin…

Prefabricated innovations at Varso Place

At Varso Place, we like to use technologies to speed up the construction process while ensuring quality and compliance with…

Nature enters the office

Every day, people living in the largest cities spend as much as 90% of their time indoors. So it is…