By accessing or using the application “Where Do You Do” however accessed, you agree to be bound by these terms of use (the “Terms & Conditions”), which can be found below. By using the “Where Do You Do” application, the users acknowledge that they have read and understood these Terms & Conditions, and that they agree to be bound by them and all applicable laws and regulations. If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions, then you must not use the “Where Do You Do” application.
Terms & Conditions
These Terms & Conditions define the operating rules and principles of the “Where Do You Do” application, in particular, they regulate the issue of the rights and obligations of its users, as well as the rights and obligations of the administrator and its partners.
1. Definitions
Administrator: means HB Reavis Group s. r. o. a limited liability company with its registered office at Karadžičova 12, 821 08 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, registered with District Court Bratislava I, section: Sro, file number: 115257/B, Identification No. 50 588 427, VAT Identification Number: SK2120391845, telephone: +421 915 042 786, standard call fee – according to the applicable operator); e-mail address:;
Application: means “Where Do You Do” application made available by the Administrator;
Information Society Service: means a service provided at a distance during the connection of electronic devices by an electronic communications network, usually at the request of the recipient of an information society service, in particular commercial communication, processing, transmission, storage, searching or collection of data and e-mail, except for personal e-mail; the information society service is not radio and television broadcasting, including teletext, voice telephone services, telefax services and services whose content excludes their provisioning at a distance within the meaning of the Slovak Act no. 351/2011 Coll. on Electronic Communications as amended;
Partners: means entities that cooperate with Administrator in order to provide services;
Terms & Conditions: mean the Terms & Conditions laid out herein;
User/s: means a natural person using the Application.
2. General Provisions
2.1. The Administrator currently provides the Application for free, but please be aware that your mobile operator´s normal rates and fees, such as data charges, will still apply when using Application.
2.2. The necessary prerequisites (technical requirements) for the free and unrestricted use of the Application are:
a) usage of a mobile phone or tablet with iOS operational system (type: Apple iPhone or Apple iPad) with internet access;
b) User’s consent on these Terms & Conditions.
2.3. The ability to use the Application may depend on the User’s individual hardware configuration and software settings.
2.4. Through the Application, the User may, in particular have an access to the set of survey questions, which could be answered and send to the Administrator via the Application.
2.5. The User is required to use the Application for its intended purpose and to refrain from any actions which might interfere with the proper functioning of the Application. Such actions include, in particular: a) interference with the use of the Application by any other person than the User, including preventing the use of the Application by other Users; b) interference with the contents of the Application.
3. Agreement
3.1. Installation of the Application shall constitute a conclusion of an agreement on providing Information Society Services between the User and the Administrator. Installation is voluntary.
3.2. The User shall read the Terms & Conditions before the first use of the Application, and by thickening the box at the time of the first use of the Application accepts, understands and is acquainted with these Terms & Conditions. If the User does not select to accept these Terms & Conditions, the User will not be able to use the Application.
3.3. Conclusion of an agreement on providing Information Society Services shall be equivalent to placing the following declarations:
a) I am using the Application voluntarily,
b) I agree to conclude an agreement on providing Information Society Services,
c) I fulfill the conditions of becoming a User laid down by these Terms & Conditions.
3.4. The agreement is concluded for an indefinite period and the User may terminate the agreement on providing Information Society Services at any time, but shall bear in mind the consequences listed in these Terms & Conditions, in particular in section 3 and section 4 of these Terms & Conditions below.
3.5. Termination of the agreement by the User or by the Administrator, as well as the termination by mutual consent of the User and the Administrator is equal to blocking the User’s access to the Application and its removal and impossibility to use the Application.
3.6. The Administrator may terminate the agreement on providing services by electronic means if:
a) the purpose of the use of the Application is in clear contradiction to the rules and purpose of the Application’s operation;
b) User activity contradicts existing moral standards, incites to violence or committing a crime or if it violates the rights of third parties;
c) it received an official notice about the unlawful character of the provided data or the activities related to it;
d) it received reliable information about the unlawful character of the provided data or activities related to it and has previously notified the User about the intention to block access to the Application;
e) the User sends unsolicited commercial communication;
f) the User grossly or persistently breaches the provisions of these Terms & Conditions. The notification of termination of the agreement on providing Information Society Services given by the Application shall be sent to the the User via the Application.
4. Application Contents and use of Application
4.1. The Application is owned by the Administrator and the content of the Application is determined by the Administrator and its Partners.
4.2. The Administrator keeps the Application safe, but cannot guarantee it’s safety. It is prohibited to:
a) post unauthorized commercial communications on the Application;
b) engage in unlawful multi-level marketing, such as a pyramid scheme in the Application;
c) upload viruses or other malicious code in the Application;
d) solicit login information to the Application;
e) bully, intimidate, or harass any user by the Application;
f) post content that is hate speech, threatening, or pornographic; incites violence; or contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence in the Application;
g) develop or operate a third-party application containing alcohol-related, dating or other mature content (including advertisements) without appropriate age-based restrictions in the Application;
h) use the Application to do anything unlawful, misleading, malicious, or discriminatory;
i) do anything that could disable, overburden, or impair the proper working or appearance of Application, such as a denial of service attack or interference with page rendering or other functionality;
j) provide modification, deletion, transmission, publication, distribution, redistribution, re-licensing, duplicating, republication or any other dissemination of the Application without the express written permission of the Administrator;
k) facilitate or encourage any violations of this statement or these Terms & Conditions.
4.3. The images, details, data, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, video clips, text, software, graphics, scripts, logos, and other materials that are part of the Application (the “Contents”) are owned exclusively by the Administrator, its affiliates and/or its content providers.
4.4. The Contents are protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks and other intellectual or ownership rights owned by Administrator. Any rights not expressly granted in these Terms & Conditions are reserved for the Administrator, logos and designs appearing in the Application are the exclusive trademarks and service marks of the Administrator and its affiliates.
4.5. All other trademarks and service marks appearing in the Application that are not owned by the Administrator are the property of their respective owners.
4.6. The Administrator reserves the right to immediately block the User’s data transmissions at the request of authorized entities, if these transmissions may jeopardize state defense, state security or public order and security, violate the universally applicable law or allow such a block by these entities.
4.7. In cases when links to third party websites are made available through the Application, the Administrator is not responsible for the contents of such websites or their accessibility and functionality.
4.8. The Administrator is not responsible for technical problems or limitations of the hardware, IT systems or telecommunications infrastructure, which the User uses and which prevent the User to use the Application.
4.9. The User is solely responsible for transmitting, posting or storing any content which does not violate the provisions of these Terms & Conditions and the provisions of universally applicable Slovak laws in the Application.
4.10. The User is solely responsible for ensuring technical compatibility between the hardware and the IT system used to access the Application.
4.11. These Terms & Conditions shall not exclude liability for acts for which liability cannot be legally limited.
4.12. The User is obliged to immediately notify the Administrator about any violation of these Terms & Conditions and about a suspected violation of applicable law.
5. Maintenance
5.1. Although it is Administrator’s intention for the Application to be available as much as possible, there will be occasions when the Application may be interrupted, including, without limitation, for scheduled maintenance or upgrades, for emergency repairs, or due to failure of telecommunications links and/or equipment.
6. Final Provisions
6.1. The current Terms & Conditions are available in the Application and provided on the User’s demand without additional costs.
The Administrator reserves the right to change and amend the Terms & Conditions presented herein. Any amendments to the Terms & Conditions come into force on the date specified by the Administrator, but not less than seven (7) days from the date of publishing them online at the following website address:
The User will be notified of such changes in advance in the Application. By using the Application after any changes have been posted, you agree to accept those changes, whether or not you actually reviewed them.
6.2. If individual provisions of these Terms & Conditions shall be considered invalid or unenforceable, in the manner prescribed by law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of these Terms & Conditions. A provision closest to the aims of the invalid provision and the whole Terms & Conditions shall be applied in place of the invalid provision.
6.3. To all matters not settled herein, appropriate provisions of the Slovak law shall apply respectively. Any dispute arising under the Terms & Conditions shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the Slovak Republic.
In Bratislava, on 17 October, 2018