Were you eyeing up Agora Budapest for some new office space? 👀
No time to waste! Our colleagues in Hungary have three big new brands moving throughout summer and autumn, after which the wellbeing-supporting office building will be 95% full. ✅
Who decided to move in?
👉 Adecco
👉 4flow
👉 Wörwag Pharma
The HR professionals, supply chain experts, and pharmaceutical specialists will also soon enjoy More services that make every day at work feel like a breeze, and fun to boot! They’ll have one app to get into the building, check out news from the community, rent a bike or a scooter, and stretch after a long day at a yoga session.
Read more about the big moves ➡️ https://hbreavis.com/en/blog-article/almost-full-three-new-brands-are-moving-to-agora-budapest/
Három neves cég választott új székhelyet magának Budapesten. Az Adecco, a 4flow és a Wörwag Pharma hamarosan csatlakozik számos más…
Örömmel jelentjük be, hogy elkészült legújabb, alacsony szén-dioxid-kibocsátású és a jóllétre összpontosító munkaterületünk. A Worship Square életre keltése a londoni…
Izgalmas hírek Berlinből! A Real Estate Brand Institute elismerése alapján immár harmadik éve mi vagyunk a legjobb irodafejlesztési márka a…
Were you eyeing up #Agora Budapest for some new office space? 👀
No time to waste! Our colleagues in Hungary have three big new brands moving throughout summer and autumn, after which the wellbeing-supporting office building will be 95% full. ✅
Who decided to move in?
👉 Adecco
👉 4flow
👉 Wörwag Pharma
The HR professionals, supply chain experts, and pharmaceutical specialists will also soon enjoy More services that make every day at work feel like a breeze, and fun to boot! They’ll have one app to get into the building, check out news from the community, rent a bike or a scooter, and stretch after a long day at a yoga session.
#AgoraBudapest #hbreavis #commercialrealestate
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Nincs több betölthető tartalom.