Yes! Our latest low-carbon and wellbeing-focused development project in London, Worship Square, has reached practical completion! 👏🏢
We’ve delivered an outstanding project that shapes the future of work in the UK’s capital.
✅ 140,000 sq ft of modern workspace
✅ net zero carbon environment
✅ designed to enhance physical and mental health
✅ nurturing community, making everyone feel included
Ready to explore one of the newest additions to the London skyline?
#londonrealestate #netzero #WorshipSquare #sustainabledevelopment
E heti #masterhybridwork blogunkban a hibrid egyenlőtlenség zavaros vizein fogunk kalandozni. Mindannyian hallottunk már olyan környezetekről (esetleg dolgoztunk is már…
Amikor 2018-ban beköltöztünk a már hónapok óta gondosan tervezgetett, új pozsonyi irodánkba, beadtuk a pályáztot a WELL Platinum díjra. Ez…
E heti #masterhibridwork blogunkban azzal foglalkozunk, hogy a fizikai közelség hiánya miként vezethet szakmai elszigeteltséghez. Könnyen beleeshetünk ebbe a csapdába….
Yes! Our latest low-carbon and wellbeing-focused development project in London, Worship Square, has reached practical completion! 👏🏢
We’ve delivered an outstanding project that shapes the future of work in the UK’s capital.
✅ 140,000 sq ft of modern workspace
✅ net zero carbon environment
✅ designed to enhance physical and mental health
✅ nurturing community, making everyone feel included
Ready to explore one of the newest additions to the London skyline? Read its story in the comments below ⬇️
📸 credit to Ed Reeve
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