Stefan Schmidt talks with PlaceTech podcast about the 2020 tech trends that are here to stay
Whilst 2020 might have been a year many want to move on from as fast as possible, the lessons we learnt last year will undoubtedly continue to shape how we think about work and the spaces we work in. Above all last year highlighted the important role that technology plays in our day to day lives (and no, we don’t just mean the mute button on zoom!).

Our Symbiosy Solutions Manager, Stefan Schmidt, started the year with a Zoom call with Paul Unger, the Editor of PlaceTech, to discuss how the pandemic has affected how we think about workspace and how 2020 brought the role of technology making our workspaces more adaptable and efficient in the future to the fore.
You can check out the podcast here.
Stefan discusses how the pandemic has accelerated a new focus on health and wellbeing in the workspace and brought greater awareness to the importance of indoor air quality. Equally, working from home has amplified the importance of efficiency, and how technology can help this once we’re all back in the office.
Stefan highlights Symbiosy as a tool to help organisations navigate the changing shape of the office through enabling successful collaboration and meaningful interactions (and avoid spending most of the day on Zoom). Stefan and Paul also managed to squeeze in discussions on ‘pandemic fads’, the importance of sustainability, creating space efficiencies in offices and predictions for 2021.
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