HB Reavis organisational updates
Key organisational changes are taking place within our company as two new members have been appointed to the Board of Directors and also to the Executive management. The Executive management will continue to ensure both delivery of the projects in our pipeline that’s been ranked as the biggest in Europe by Property EU, and fulfilment of the strategy to become the international workspace provider of choice. The Executive management will start by focusing on implementing our Workspace as a Service approach to support the future of workspace needs of the companies in the post-Covid period.
Changes in the Executive management
Peter Pecnik, currently the HB Reavis Poland CEO, has become a member of the Board of Directors and also member of the Executive management and takes over the position of Group CFO. Due to his well-established connection to the Polish team and expansive knowledge of the local market, he retains responsibility for Poland from his Executive management position. Peter joined us in 2008 and was originally in a finance role, before taking over responsibility for our business in Poland.

Pavel Jonczy, currently the Head of Product Design, Construction and Procurement, joins Peter as member of the Board of Directors and also of the Executive management. Pavel, who has already been with us for five years, will build on his previous expertise and achievements and will keep responsibility for the above mentioned areas from the Executive management member perspective. He will oversee eight existing cowork spaces under the HubHub brand and recently introduced fully-serviced office spaces on short term leases Qubes, both of which have grown to fully reflect current market needs and have become a strong segment of our company’s service portfolio.
Non-executive Board of Directors extends too
Martin Miklas, currently the company’s CFO, has become a non-executive member of the Board of Directors, supporting the activities of corporate governance and the non-real estate business of HB Reavis’ shareholder Ivan Chrenko.