Stories & News

Bloom Clerkenwell: The right space for the job

It’s no mystery that well designed spaces make us happier, and we’ve all become acutely aware of how our working…

Creating the future office environment: Why you must start with data

In the natural world, we see symbiosis everywhere. Defined as ‘a mutually beneficial relationship between two different organisms’, you can…

Stefan Schmidt talks with PlaceTech podcast about the 2020 tech trends that are here to stay

Whilst 2020 might have been a year many want to move on from as fast as possible, the lessons we…

Dreaming big at Elizabeth House, Waterloo

Whilst we’re nearing the end of a tough 2020, our Elizabeth House team is still busy ensuring that Waterloo is…

The future smart office: How technology is shaping the employee experience

When you think of work, you think of the office. Yet the office has come a long way since the…

The real cost of poor air quality in the office

How much is poor air quality costing your business? Chances are it’s more than you think. Whether it’s too much…