Stories & News

Sale of our Twin City Tower in Bratislava

Our emerging business district, the New Nivy zone, is not only on the rise in the development world, but also…

Talks sparks new ideas for an empowered future

On Tuesday, May 28th, our conference Talks took place at Komplex Event in Budapest in the same building as our…

We’re getting Forest off the ground

Construction works on our office campus have gone into high gear. Our latest Warsaw project is being developed on ul….

Summer of changes for BP and Agora Budapest

We are one year away from the big day for 1,800 of BP’s Hungarian Global Business Services branch employees. Their…

Silicon Roundabout blog features Steven Skinner

Our UK CEO Steven Skinner talks about developers’ roles in delivering exceptional workplaces in the latest @siliconrounduk blog. The expectations…

A good neighbourhood is made by people and their responsible relationships

The main topic of the third part of the BREEAM Communities challenge series was social responsibility. Again, we turned to…