How long do you think it would take you to run up 1,400 stairs? ⏱️
That’s the test 700 runners in the open and elite categories faced at the starting line of the third Varso Tower Run that broke records and supported a good cause. 🏢❤️🏃
This tower-running competition up the tallest building in the EU is undoubtedly a unique event any time it takes place. However, this year, men’s and women’s category records in the elite groups were broken, making it a day to remember.
Ryoji Watanabe, a Japanese professional men’s runner, was the fastest to reach the finishing line. In the women’s category, Kaludia Krajewska from Poland reached the top before everyone else.
Find their times and more details in our latest blog post. Link in the comments. ⤵️
#varsotower #stairrun #warsawrealestate
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How long do you think it would take you to run up 1,400 stairs? ⏱️
That’s the test 700 runners in the open and elite categories faced at the starting line of the third Varso Tower Run that broke records and supported a good cause. 🏢❤️🏃
This tower-running competition up the tallest building in the EU is undoubtedly a unique event any time it takes place. However, this year, men’s and women’s category records in the elite groups were broken, making it a day to remember.
Ryoji Watanabe, a Japanese professional men’s runner, was the fastest to reach the finishing line. In the women’s category, Kaludia Krajewska from Poland reached the top before everyone else.
#varsotower #stairrun #warsawrealestate #varsotowerrun
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Nincs több betölthető tartalom.