Stories & News

New research: Why 2021 will be the tipping point for smart office adoption

One in three people don’t have a dedicated workspace at home. This figure doesn’t just describe a temporary issue from…

What Charles Darwin can teach us about workspace productivity and flexibility

Working in his lab on the origins of species, Charles Darwin ran into a problem. Between examining his samples on…

How the workspace is shaping business performance and ROI

There’s a universal phenomenon that happens when you present the world with a new way of doing things. This phenomenon…

Creating the future office environment: Why you must start with data

In the natural world, we see symbiosis everywhere. Defined as ‘a mutually beneficial relationship between two different organisms’, you can…

The real cost of poor air quality in the office

How much is poor air quality costing your business? Chances are it’s more than you think. Whether it’s too much…

The future smart office: How technology is shaping the employee experience

When you think of work, you think of the office. Yet the office has come a long way since the…